Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Best Guacamole EVER!

So one night, Joseph and Vicki cooked dinner for us. Somehow our love of Mexican food was expressed, and Joseph decided he would cook us an authentic Mexican meal. Joseph did most of the cooking while Vicki chopped away. An hour or so later, we were served Chicken Enchiladas with the BEST Guacamole EVER! I've had a lot of guacamole over the years, and I must admit this was the best I've ever had.

Exact measurements are a little sketchy, but here's the breakdown:

5 avocados, soft but still somewhat firm-ish
2 whole tomatoes, finely chopped
1/2 large onion, possibly even more
1 HUGE clove of elephant garlic (Papa Bear found this at Walmart)
1 whole jalapeno, seeds and all
2 T. cilantro, finely chopped
juice of 1 lime
salt and pepper

Have everything chopped and ready to go. Scoop out your avocado meat and place in a large bowl. Loosely chop with a fork. Add all other ingredients and loosely chop a little more with fork. Serve in your Grandmother's magic mixing bowl with tortilla chips.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Yum .... I am gonna try it! As soon as I fix those stuffed mushrooms! ;)
