About a month or two ago, we woke up one Saturday morning to find one of our Bradford Pear trees split. We have 4 perfectly-spaced Bradford Pears in the front yard, and now one is split. So DH checked into having them trimmed, and we found out that Bradford Pears usually only live a maximum of 15 years. I had no idea! Makes me sad! Now with one split, it's going to mess up the spacing on all of them. I think they all need to come down. Anyway, my point of all this is really not to talk about how the Bradford Pears are probably coming down before too long, but to show you a picture. Zoom in on Cocoa. Look at his swirly butt! I tell him all the time he has naturally curly hair like his mama, but he's really special because he has a swirly butt. So cute!

Not very many pups have perfectly swirled butts like he does. He just smiles when I tell him that!
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