My mil always cooks us a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. There have been years past where we have filled up at her house, only to go to my family gathering that evening and stuff ourselves silly again. The last several years, though, she has decided to have her Thanksgiving meal on the Sunday before, and it has worked out perfectly. I had every intention of taking lots of photos today, but sadly, I only snapped this one. I always get caught up in helping my mil in the kitchen and I forget to take any more pictures. I am glad I managed to get my fil here with the golden turkey. Isn't it a beauty?! It was us, my parents, and DH's aunt and uncle, Dick and Sharon. Here's what was on the menu:
Turkey (our contribution but mil cooked it to perfection!)
Dressing (this was outstanding!)
Green Beans
Green Peas
Mashed Turnips (this was a first for me - probably wouldn't eat them again!)
Scalloped Potatoes (a healthy dish mil claims - it was very cheesy!)
Cranberry Sauce (nobody ever eats this!)
Corn Casserole (my contribution to the fabulous meal)
Cole Slaw (Sharon's contribution - it was yummy with pineapple in it!)
Pumpkin Pie (compliments of Food Lion deli mil said)
Chocolate Pie (delish and another one of Sharon's contributions)
Blueberry Torte (the star of the dessert table - my mother's contribution)
As Rachel Ray would say - YUMM! Or is that - YUMMO? I tried not to overdo it, but it was soooooo good. I'm just thankful I have a few days to recover before we do it all again on Thursday. Of course, DH will be smoking the turkey for Thanksgiving Day, along with Chicken Quarters and Ribs (he'll have help from the men folk in the family). I love meat cooked on the smoker, but honestly, is there anything better than a golden turkey fresh out of the oven? It was fabulous. I jotted down mil's Dressing recipe as she recited it from memory (she doesn't really go by a "written" recipe). I'm surprised that I haven't ever asked for it before. My kids love it, we love it, it really is so good. I'm hoping to start a recipe blog and this will definitely be one of the first recipes I post. She didn't give me exact measurements, so I'll just have to wing it on that part. The Blueberry Torte will be making an appearance on the recipe blog too. It was exceptional today. That's always been a Christmas dessert that my mother has made, but everyone loves it so much, she's started making it for other occasions too. There's nothing any better. Ahhh - I love the kickoff to the Holidays!
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