Mamaw has been carving and scooping pumpkins like crazy here lately. Well, not really carving them, but she has gotten several pumpkins from our neighbor down the road and has been cooking them and freezing the pulp. Is it pumpkin pulp? pumpkin guts? Whatever it is -- she is cooking it and freezing it for Thanksgiving pumpkin pies. So anyway, I decided it would be neat to roast (or is it toast?) pumpkin seeds. I had gotten a cookbook recently from my Aunt Barbara that had a recipe for pumpkin seeds. I mentioned it to Darling Husband and he got really excited. Apparently his mom used to roast (or toast - whatever it is?!) pumpkin seeds, and he said they were really really good. So here they are. Super easy to do . . . I think next time I want to try the spicy recipe I found. But for now, here's the simple, basic recipe:
Pumpkin seeds
2 tsp. butter, melted
pinch of salt
mix pumpkin seeds with butter and salt, spread in a single layer in a baking pan and bake for 45 minutes at 300.
That was easy enough!
im not sure what impresses me more....the pumpkin seeds or all of this blogging....