So I forgot to tell you how it went at the vet's office Thursday afternoon.
First off - I can't manage them both by myself. They are huge and not used to being on a leash, so Scooby came along with me. Cocoa would NOT go through the door. Not sure why - he's never whimpered when he's gotten a shot, but he was determined to not go in. Roxie was busy sniffing bushes outside and finally decides to go in . . . once she's in, Cocoa decides it's safe and follows her. Then the nice ladies at the vet's office try to weigh the hellions on the big walk-on scales . . . I had to drag Cocoa on the scales where he proceeded to drop to his belly and pee all over himself. When it was Roxie's turn, she just hopped right up there and looked around. They both were scared to death during the actual exam. I had to scratch noses and bellies and behind ears to keep them calm and happy. And the really fun part (ha!) was when I was paying to leave, they were all over the place and knocking stuff down. I thought I had a good hold on Cocoa's leash, but he jerked, and made me knock my purse off the counter - so then all my junk that I carry around in my bag was scattered on the office floor. Lipstick tubes and antibacterial gel went rolling around everywhere! Uggghhhhh! Then . . . THEN the ride home . . . Scooby's in the backseat with both of them . . . Cocoa is right in the middle - paws on the console -- trying to get to the front seat to me. He had his head all over my cheek and neck. He loves his Mama. Such a big baby! Meanwhile, being the little princess that she is, Roxie sat politely in the backseat and just looked out the window. Thank goodness we have another year (hopefully - if I can keep them well!) before we have to create chaos at the vet's office again.
They are precious....but i am sure a handful