Monday, February 1, 2010

Snow Day!

We got SNOW! And lots of it!

See what happens when I get a snow day? We play outside, I take pictures, and then I scrapbook them -- meanwhile, all household chores are neglected. But that's ok cause we're making happy memories.

I've been a bad blogger. I can't believe I didn't even blog Christmas! And what happened to the recipe blog I was going to start? I guess it got swept under the rug. There's just not enough time in the day to do everything I want to do . . . unless I get to stay home for a snow day! ha ha! I actually didn't stay home all day -- I went to work for a little while. My car is in the shop (again!). Well, actually, we picked it up this afternoon because the nice man at the Welcome Texaco couldn't find a thing wrong with it. Gotta love that -- it makes a lovely grinding noise when I apply the brakes -- but only at certain times, and those certain times can never be predicted. Sometimes it's when the car is hot; sometimes it's when the car is cold; sometimes it's when I barely ease on the brakes; sometimes it's when I lightly push the gas pedal. That kind of stuff drives me insane. Oh well - just grin and bear it I guess.

And now they are calling for more bad weather tonight, tomorrow, and later this week. I'm ready for Spring!

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