This is what I got for Mother's Day. I LOVE IT! I have the most disgusting, dry, cracked heels ever and this thing actually takes care of that. I've used it twice, and my heels are nice and smooth. I always end up fussing at David and the kids for getting me something really expensive every year for Mother's Day. Not that I don't love things they've given me -- but we just don't need to spend the money. But this year, they came up with this. AND even better - they got it at Walmart so they didn't even have to pay s&h. I absolutely love it!
Have I mentioned I love my Ped Egg?
Big Daddy got one for Easter....he's been yearning for one too!!.. he LOVES his!!!! CVS baby and I had extra bucks so that was even better! I'll be looking at your feet next time I see you! Happy Ped Egging!