Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Scooby!

Scooby Doo turned 12 over the weekend. I must say the birthday sleepover went over very well this year. Usually, we always have way too many girls and somebody ends up getting mad, crying, etc. before the night is over. Not this time -- we had 3 girls spend the night and nobody got mad or their feelings hurt. They messed around outside for a while then came in watched Twlight. It was WONDERFUL! And just in honor of Scooby's birthday . . . here's a page that I did recently that reminded me of what she used to love to watch -- BARNEY! I love you, Scooby Doo! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!


  1. You are so talented with scrapbooking! I'm jealous! And, I'm impressed that the birthday party was a success. I know what you mean with having too many girls and someone always getting upset!!

  2. ahhhh...how precious!

    "I love you... You love me...we're a happy FAM-I-LY...." where did the time go?

    Loving the scrapbooking pages!
