So here we go . . . I thought this one would be a fun one to share - especially since I haven't mentioned Frick and Frack (aka Roxie and Cocoa) at all in my blogging so far. These pictures were taken in October - and what's really funny is they think they are really in for a treat if they happen to snag a little apple off the dwarf apple tree. But if the truth be known - that pathetic little tree grows apples about the size of golf balls - and has for years now. I'm not sure why it won't grow regular size apples -- maybe because DH (Darling Husband) bought the tree many years ago from Big Lots. Not that anything is wrong with Big Lots -- but you know what I'm saying here. I don't think I'll ever be getting a crop of apples off of this little tree. But who knows -- maybe one of these days I'll be surprised. Meanwhile, we just get a kick out of the silly dogs trying to get a "treasure" off the tree. Dang, I love those silly dogs!
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