Monday, March 30, 2009

Scrapbook Page of the Day - 3/30/09

So here we go . . . I thought this one would be a fun one to share - especially since I haven't mentioned Frick and Frack (aka Roxie and Cocoa) at all in my blogging so far. These pictures were taken in October - and what's really funny is they think they are really in for a treat if they happen to snag a little apple off the dwarf apple tree. But if the truth be known - that pathetic little tree grows apples about the size of golf balls - and has for years now. I'm not sure why it won't grow regular size apples -- maybe because DH (Darling Husband) bought the tree many years ago from Big Lots. Not that anything is wrong with Big Lots -- but you know what I'm saying here. I don't think I'll ever be getting a crop of apples off of this little tree. But who knows -- maybe one of these days I'll be surprised. Meanwhile, we just get a kick out of the silly dogs trying to get a "treasure" off the tree. Dang, I love those silly dogs!

I Stink at Blogging

Gosh - I can't believe nearly 3 months has passed since I declared I was going to keep up this blog. Where did time go? Obviously, I stink at blogging and can't seem to manage my time very well! But here I am -- and I'm going to give it a shot again!

We've been swamped with cheerleading overlapping with softball and there's never any me time! However, I've been trying to make some me time lately. I've made a point to watch American Idol religiously this year and man -- am I enjoying it. I didn't think I could ever find anybody that could make me as happy as David Cook's music has -- but behold, bring on Adam Lambert and Danny Gokey (I probably butchered his last name -- but I'm too lazy to look it up and see if I got it right). I really REALLY love them both! When I started watching it this year, I thought the talent stunk. But now, I honestly think this is the most talented group yet -- minus most of the girls! I do like Allison - she's awesome to be 16; and how about Anoop Dawg -- gotta pull for the Carolina boy! It's become tradition for us around here to watch Idol every week -- and I'm enjoying "chatting" with Teeter on Idol nights too. It's been fun sending text messages back and forth - trying to guess who's singing what and who's going home.

I've gotten back into my scrapbooking and really want to try to do it several times a week if possible. I have thousands and thousands (really, THOUSANDS!) of pictures that I have dreams of scrapping -- I might as well start now.

So, instead of trying to keep up with a picture a day - I think I'm going to post a scrapbook page every few days. I've got some that I did last year and some I've worked on recently. They tell our life story as good as anything to be honest!

Let me go dig one up and share it. Be back in a bit.